Phoenix Fire Training Solutions offers a number of specialised services in addition to our Nationally Accredited and Non Accredited Courses.


  • As required by the Work Health & Safety ACT 2001 and the Work Health & Safety Regulations 2017.

  • Tailor made to suit the individual requirements of the Workplace.

  • Developed as a live and workable Plan in consultation with key Stakeholders.

  • Staff trained to implement plan and conduct a response to an emergency with the emphasis being safety to all involved.

  • Full training to staff of the Plan upon Workplace dissemination.


  • As required by the Work Health & Safety ACT 2001 and the Work Health & Safety Regulations 2017.

  • Visual representation of Workplace lay-out for the purpose of assisting in a safe evacuation of the facilities occupants.

  • Tailor made to suit individual Workplace.


  • Independent and objective investigation.

  • Focus on breakdown of systems rather than focusing on an individual or scapegoat.

  • Initially a verbal report is provided to clients representative, followed by a written report if requested.

  • Initial investigation conducted on site.

  • Goal of investigation to identify possible faults within system that contributed to accident and attempt to ensure they do not repeat.

  • Any disruption to business kept as minimal as possible.


  • Independent and objective party.

  • Gather information from persons who have firsthand information relating to the accident. May be through either visual or audible observation.

  • Completed Witness Interview document provided to clients representative.

  • Any disruption to business kept as minimal as possible.


  • Independent and objective party.

  • Completed Witness Statement document provided to clients representative.

  • Any disruption to business kept as minimal as possible.

  • Statement sighted and signed my persons providing Statement to ensure accuracy.