
Persons Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) have a legal responsibility of duty of care to ensure a safe workplace for all staff and visitors under the Work Health & Safety Act 2011.

Under this requirement a PCBU is to ensure provision of training to elected staff members known as Wardens, to be able to respond to a various range of emergency situations. (I am able to assist you in the selection criteria for your Warden team)

This course is designed to train Wardens on their roles & responsibilities when responding to Workplace Emergencies.

The scope of this training is to provide Wardens with the skill and knowledge to be able to ensure the safety of all personal within the workplace whilst responding to an Emergency situation.

This course will be tailored to suit individual businesses based on such areas as:

  • Shift hours of staff

  • Hours of operation

  • Staff numbers

  • Operational activity of business.

Course content

  • Explanation of Emergency Planning Committee and Emergency Control Organisation.

  • Roles and responsibilities of Emergency Control Warden personal.

  • Legal, liability responsibilities of Wardens including indemnity.

  • Emergency Control Warden Structure.

  • Command and Control procedures.

  • Movement in a fire environment

  • Contractors book

  • Human behaviour when involved with an emergency situation

  • Dealing with uncooperative or aggressive persons.

  • How to do a Primary search whilst exiting the bld

  • Methods and types of evacuation

  • Development of Warden Points within a facility

  • Warden equipment list

  • Use and operation of a Fire Indicator Panel and an Emergency Warning Intercommunication System and or Occupant Warning System.

  • Gathering and moving a group.

  • Terminology and communication skills to use and to avoid.

Award Issued

Individuals will receive a Certificate of Attendance from Phoenix Fire Training Solutions to state that they have attended a course based on being part of an Emergency Control Organisation and the roles and responsibilities required to be a part of a Workplace Warden structure. As mentioned in the Australian Standards 3745-2010 Planning for emergencies in facilities.

Course location.

Courses conducted on site at your workplace.

Course Duration

Approx 2 to 2.5 hours

Course fees

A quote will be supplied once scope of work and numbers are known. There may be a cost for travel and accommodation dependant on the location of your facility. The final cost will be decided and agreed by both parties prior to commencement of training.

Payment terms

14 days from course date.


Not necessary

There is no assessment for this course as it is not nationally accredited