Partial and Full evacuation exercises of a facility


A site-specific Emergency Response Evacuation exercise shall be designed and conducted on an annual basis in collaboration with the facilities various stake- holder such as the facilities owner, manager, occupiers and employees.  The purpose of conducting the exercise is to test the emergency response process and its level of effectiveness relative to the particular facility and its requirements.

At the conclusion of the exercise I will conduct a de-brief with the facilities designated representative for the purpose of evaluating the success and validity of the response procedures. Recommendations for change in the processes, if required can be decided upon during this de-brief.

I will conduct the exercise on a day and time that is suitable to the Facilities owner/manager.

Award Issued

There is no individual award for this training.  A certificate from Phoenix Fire Training Solutions can be provide to the PCBU to state that the facility conducted an Emergency Response Evacuation Exercise In Accordance With the requirements of Australian Standards 3745 – 2010 Planning for emergencies in facilities.

Course location

Courses conducted on site at your workplace.

Course Duration

Negotiable based on size of facility and length of de- brief.

Course fees

A quote will be supplied once scope of work and numbers are known. There may be a cost for travel and accommodation dependant on the location of your facility. The final cost will be decided and agreed by both parties prior to commencement of training.

Payment terms

14 days from course date.


Not necessary

There is no assessment for this course as it is not nationally accredited