Information about the course

This course is a skills set made up of individual units.

Individual Units

Target Audience

Successful completion of this skill set meets the minimum requirements to be qualified and act as a Fire Safety Officer (NSW Healthcare Policy Directive PD2010_024).


There are no prerequisites for this course.

Award Issued

Students who successfully complete this nationally recognised training will be awarded the statement of attainment:

  • PUAFER001 Identify, prevent and report potential workplace emergency situations

  • PUAFER002 Ensure workplace prevention procedures, systems and processes are implemented

  • PUAFER004 Respond to workplace emergencies

  • PUAFER005 Operate as part of an emergency control organisation

  • PUAFER006 Lead an emergency control organisation

  • PUAFER008 Confine small workplace emergencies

Course Duration

  • Full course: 2 days face-to-face training

Pre course study options

There is no pre course study required for this course. 


Can be conducted at students workplace or other locations to be decided upon.

Learners Rights, Responsibilities and Support, including complaints

Please refer to the student handbook for all details relating to your rights and responsibilities.

Course Fees

A quote will be provided once the quantity of work is known.

There may be a fee for travel expenses and accommodation based on location of facility.  This will be decided and agreed upon prior to commencement of work

Payment Terms

Full payment is to be made prior to commencement of course.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)      

Completing any vocational education course in Australia, it is a requirement for you to obtain and supply a USI. This is obtainable from if a USI is not supplied and verified with a certificate cannot be issued to you.

Refund Policy

Reference Student Handbook

Assessment Activities


Assessments conducted during face to face training sessions include  

  • Theory assessments including multiple choice and completion of emergency planning forms.

  • Practical scenarios assessment